Prejudice: God dislikes it Genesis 9:6 "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man." Once there was a beautiful gold-colored sponge who had many children. All of them were just like him, since sponges reproduce by budding, and he loved them all very much. After all, they were each a part of him. Then one day, the sponge had a child who was colored a gorgeous royal purple. The sponge thought this child very beautiful. The other little sponges hated him, calling him "freak". This truly hurt the father sponge, for though his youngest son may have been a mutant, he had still come from his own flesh. God hates bigotry and prejudice. When someone persecutes another living soul because they are differently colored, or too big, or too small, or fat, or lame, or mutated, or furladen, it is an insult to God. That person, however they may differ physically, still has a spirit which was designed after God's own spirit. Because of this, they are worthy of love. Today's challenge: worship God by demonstrating love to those whose spirits are fashioned in His image.